We are committed to you and your dignity and rights as a person. As a patient, you have federal and state rights:
To be treated with dignity and respect.
To privacy and confidentiality regarding your treatment and medical records.
Information may be used or disclosed with your written permission.
To ask questions, discuss, and receive clear information about your health status and any necessary treatment.
This includes written informed consent for psychiatric or psychological diagnosing, evaluations, testing, medications, risks, and treatment.
To refuse or withdraw from any care or treatment you consider harmful or care advised and accept the consequences and outcomes.
To appropriate patient care provided by appropriately trained, licensed, and credentialed employees.
To a safe environment.
To choose the kind or type of therapy or treatment.
The right to your own political, religious, or cultural beliefs and practices.
To review and receive an explanation of your billing statement.
To express concerns about your treatment.
To be informed of any human experiment/research affecting your healthcare.
To include advance directives in your medical record.
To expect that a reasonable effort is made to communicate with patients.
To have a guardian, next of kin, or legal designee exercise these rights if you are unable.
Within legal limits, to privacy and confidentiality regarding treatment and consultation.
To information regarding services and providers available within Cedar Creek Integrated Health.
To information concerning fees for services provided.
To information as soon as it is discovered of any significant error in your healthcare with possible short- and long-term consequences.
To private counsel with a legal advisor and to take legal action.